Image/Video License Fee Quote Request Form

To request an image license fee quote for a still image or video, send your request via this Be sure to include as much information as possible in the email so that Swanson Media (Mark Swanson) can evaluate your request promptly.

All images and videos are licensed on a "rights managed" basis (for a single use) and quotes are customized for your particular usage. All licenses will be for non-exclusive use unless you request exclusive use (not guaranteed, and fee will be higher). Be aware that commercial licenses might not be available for some images or videos that lack model or property releases.

Key to License Terms in the E-mail Form

  • Image ID Number(s) — Identification number(s) for the image(s) or video(s) you want to use. ID numbers (e.g., #2017_1206) are located on the image page; for videos use the video title.
  • Usage Type — General type of your intended use (e.g., print advertisement, online banner ad, textbook, magazine, Web site graphic, kiosk, film/TV set decoration, documentary film, TV broadcast).
  • Publication/Project Name or Description — Specific name or description of the publication or project (e.g., April issue of North American Birds, Animal Tool Behavior, marketing campaign for new album by M. Smith).
  • Web Site URL — Address of web site where image will be displayed (if applicable).
  • Image/Video Size — Size of intended use (e.g., full page, 800x600 pixels, 24"x36"poster, 720p video).
  • Placement — Location of intended use (e.g., front cover, interior page, website home page, film/TV close up, prominent wall display in TV set decoration).
  • Circulation/Print Run or Usage Duration — Number of copies or duration of intended use (e.g., 10,000 copies, 1 year, indefinite).
  • Medium — Intended publication format(s) (e.g., print only, digital, all media).
  • Territory/Distribution — State/province, country or countries where image will be distributed (e.g., Michigan only, USA only, UK only, EU, global).
  • Comments or Special Requests — Any information that will help us evaluate your license/usage request (e.g., additional information about the requestor or intended use; request for uncropped version, bulk discount, fee waiver, or exclusive rights).

Is my personal information safe?

Yes. Your information will be kept strictly confidential. See the Privacy Statement for details.

How are the images delivered, and in what format and resolution?

Images typically are provided as high-quality JPEG files. Image resolution varies depending on the usage (e.g., typically 150 ppi for print, 72 ppi for web). Files can be delivered via e-mail, Dropbox, or CD/DVD as appropriate.

Some of the images have been cropped for display purposes; feel free to ask if an uncropped version is available.

What happens after I submit my request?

Swanson Media will evaluate your request and send you a quote via e-mail usually within one business day. Quotes are customized for your particular usage. After both you and Swanson Media have agreed on license terms, Swanson Media will send you a license contract and payment information. Accepted forms of payment include money order, check (US bank only) and credit card (via PayPal). Purchase orders are accepted from certain organizations.